Sunday, May 27, 2018


 A friend came across FREE envelopes at a yard sale
Thinking of me she took them and passed them to me
They are not a size  I would use in card making so I came up with this
This one is for her

I made the folder with two layers of heavy card stock
Putting them together so they would fold over the envelopes
I glued 6 envelopes together to make the pockets
Decorated the front one and added cards to each pocket  (index )
With tabs

I used a die to shape the front edge and a bit of valcro to hold it closed
Hope she likes it when I get it to her

I have enough envelopes to  make 50 of these  ANYBODY?????????


  1. Great use of the envelopes, my friend at craft class made a sort of concertina wallet with envelopes that was very effective as well!x

  2. Great idea and use of envelopes love the delicate dies--had a great after-noon making a project using envelopes but not blogged yet-
    Carol x

  3. I would never think of using envelopes in this way! Brilliant idea that turned out so pretty!


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