Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 As promise to all the wonderful people who enjoyed my demonstration and bought my cards on the weekend  THANK YOU

 Here are instructions on how to plant your card 

First the seed in your cards is a mix of HERBS

I use a wet wipe container because it is a good shape and size  any pot will do 

Be sure there are holes in the bottom 

Put about two inched of potting soil in pot and moisten 

Wet the card and place it face down on the soil 

If you must, cover it with a very thin layer of soil 

But it can be left uncovered 

Cover the container with a bowl cover or cling wrap 

Place on top of your fridge 

Don't touch for four days 

Check if there is any sign of growth  take cover off

Put the plant  in indirect sun and keep moist 

When second set of leave appear transplant into your garden or a larger pot 

Enjoy and  THANK YOU 


  1. Wish I could have seen this demo - it sounds like such a fun and good idea!

  2. Sounds like you had fun. That is great. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Hugs and Blessings,


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