Sunday, July 10, 2022

Thank You Groomer

                                            This is the card Mocha gave to his groomer 

                                                            Here is what she did for him


                                                               The day before 




                                             Much better for 100 + weather and water therapy 

Sunday, July 3, 2022


                                                 My one 4th of July card 

Sunday, May 15, 2022


                           I was gifted this stamp 

                            There is some debate as to whether she is a fairy or an angel 

                           What ever she made a lovely card 

                            Maybe I should have added wings 

                             What do you think ?



                                               What do you think  Angel / Fairy  ?

                                       Puppy is much improved 

                                       Pretty sure he will always have a limp but he has four legs 

                                      He is very spoiled  and ready to be out of the pen 

Sunday, April 10, 2022


This box is for the little girl down the street 
 Not so little anymore 
She will be 17 this summer 
Where does the time go 
The best part is that it is filled with chocolate 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Birthday Gift


                           This set is a gift from my special pen pal over the pond 

                          The puppy is very much like our little Yorkie 

                           Just thrilled with it 

                          Thank you Ali


Saturday, March 19, 2022



                           TWO WEEKS AGO TODAY


                         Our 7 pound Yorkie 15 months old 

                         took his fourth training class 

                        We came out strapped him in his booster seat 

                        and started to back out of the parking spot 

                        puppy made the worse continuous crying 

                       stopped on the spot 

                        The straps on his seat had snapped and the seat collapsed 

                         crushing the dog 

                          We took him to PET ---- ER  they x-rayed  put him in a cast 

                         and told us his leg is so crushed if  we didn't do surgery he would loose the leg 

                           So we took him to Gainesville to UF Small Animal Hospital 

                           He was there a whole week 

                          They had to rebuild his leg 

                           Now he has 12 weeks recovery and has to stay in his pen

                            Not a happy camper  He will be super spoiled in three months 

                            I may be the one taking his  meds 



Tuesday, February 8, 2022


                                I have these three stamps which I love 

                               The backgrounds are blended with die inks and blender brushes ( well one is ) 

                                    The figures are colored with copics 



Sunday, February 6, 2022


                                               Had a messy day 

                                            Some were done with lifts 

                                          Some were put in the bin

                                  I hope you enjoy the ones I finished 



Saturday, January 15, 2022

Playing with Pigment ink Backgrounds


                                            Nothing special just applied with blender brushes 

                                           Sorry I am not around much but I find posting with

                                             only the i phone camera a pain 

                                            ANYONE LOOKING FOR PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS 

                                           Go to Archives on the right  and then 2021

                                                Scroll down to November 14 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021




                                             MERRY    CHRISTMAS 

Tuesday, November 30, 2021


                                                    Over the Fence



                                                  Who? What? You don't say.


Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 As promise to all the wonderful people who enjoyed my demonstration and bought my cards on the weekend  THANK YOU

 Here are instructions on how to plant your card 

First the seed in your cards is a mix of HERBS

I use a wet wipe container because it is a good shape and size  any pot will do 

Be sure there are holes in the bottom 

Put about two inched of potting soil in pot and moisten 

Wet the card and place it face down on the soil 

If you must, cover it with a very thin layer of soil 

But it can be left uncovered 

Cover the container with a bowl cover or cling wrap 

Place on top of your fridge 

Don't touch for four days 

Check if there is any sign of growth  take cover off

Put the plant  in indirect sun and keep moist 

When second set of leave appear transplant into your garden or a larger pot 

Enjoy and  THANK YOU 

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Monkeying Around



                                                          Both are Heartfelt Creations


Friday, October 15, 2021



                  My friend dog with over the rainbow this week 

                  so sad  I hope this cards gave her a little brightness 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


                                                  I was gifted  some HF class kits 

                                                 I altered a lot  and didn't follow instructions 

                                                 But I made some very pretty cards 



                                                               What do you think?

Monday, September 13, 2021

Had a little play today


Having a time up loading in to computer so have not had much interest in posting 

Hope you enjoy this one 

The alcohol and pearl inks were applied to acetate 
The leaf was die cut on gold 
Two more leaves were die cut on cardstock 
These are stacked and attached to back of gold 
Then applied to acetate and fussy cut 

Hope to get back her4 again soon 

Thursday, June 3, 2021


                           The weekend before I fell I went to a yard sale 

                           Spent $9.00 on stamps 

                           Here are some I have played with to keep busy 


Saturday, May 15, 2021

For Hospital Staff

                                It took me three days to get this made 

                            It is not easy getting to equipment with a walker 

                            It is in the  mail to all the willing helpful staff at West Marion 

                           For those of you who don't know  I stepped on a dog chew bone 

                           It rolled and so did I 

                           I broke my femur   All pinned back together now 

                           I am doing fine walking with a walker 





                                               Also not easy to take photos if you can't let go of walker 

Saturday, May 1, 2021


                                                        It is very sad I had to make this card 

                                                     But it is in the post to a grieving family 


  PS       on the previous post 

             he chose the turquoise

Monday, April 26, 2021


                                              I have a very sweet young man 

                                              Asked me to make a romantic birthday card for his girlfriend 

                                             I will give him a choice 


                                 I will let you know which one he chooses 

Saturday, April 10, 2021


                                          Just saying HELLO 

                                              to my Friends




                           Print vellum over white mounted on brown 

                             A snippet of telephone book    Telephone booth with glazed glass      

                                  If you phone me this is where I would be 




Sunday, April 4, 2021




                                                      HAPPY  EASTER

                                        INSPIRED BY J COPEN

Tuesday, March 30, 2021




                                    I didn't mean to make a Christmas card 

                         I stamped this cute My Bestie stamp before I realized she

                                             is holding a Christmas sock 

                         So I stenciled a (DreamWeaver)  the background with Glitter gel 

                                      And now I have A card I won't find in December 

Monday, March 15, 2021






                         Had my second Covid Shot today   Feeling fine                                                                     

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Couple of Cards




                                This is an Easter Card for a 4 yr old girl 



                                        I thought the bunny so cute decided to also make a baby card 



                               This is for a new home owner 




Tuesday, March 2, 2021


                               I got an early birthday gift from England 

                                  Thank you so much  they are super fun 


                                                   This one is in the mail to my sister 

                                                    I have four sisters and none of them come here  😕

                                                    Actually none of them have signed to follow 

                                                    Now I am making myself feel neglected 

                                                     My daughter doesn't follow either   😞

                                                     But she does msg daily 


                                                              These are both colored with chalk and copics 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


                     At Christmas I was gifted this charming box of 

                                         Pastel Watercolors 

                                I decided it is time to use them 

                                    Here is the result 


